
ChumWorld™ is a company dedicated to blending real life with social networking in that we wish to create a more efficient, practical and focused set of properties where people of shared interests can find, develop and create connections that help them foster a specific area of their life.


FitnessChum™ is the first of these properties focused on helping sports and fitness blend with everyday life. You can find people to participate in a sport or fitness activity from casual to competitive or even join organized leagues or clubs. It is also a place where people can share their thoughts and ideas, ask and answer questions, and add or discover new events, venues, products and services.

FitnessChum™ began as a free service where it quickly spread to all 50 states and over 1200 cities. It has since been taken offline, has been exclusivly licensed,  and is being used by over 2 million people, across the U.S. and Europe.


ParentChum™ is our second ChumWorld property focusing on education, curriculum management, and a robust set of tools supporting management of all activities encompassing a child's educational, social, sporting needs.


ParentChum™ was licensed to a European media company focusing on parenting magazines and media, as part of their expansion into web content and social networking.


Coming soon...

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ChumWorldä is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bit Economics LLC